Neural therapy

Forms of treatment
In segmental therapy, a local anesthetic, usually procaine, but also lidocaine, mepivacaine or prilocaine, is injected in the form of skin needles in the area of the corresponding interference field zones of the internal organs or vegetative nerve nodes. The effect is mediated via the autonomic nervous system in the affected segment.
Interference fields’ are chronic inflammatory conditions that “energetically” weaken the entire organism and cause complaints in other areas of the body. The most common interference fields are the tonsils, paranasal sinuses, the tooth-jaw region, thyroid gland and scars.
- Every chronic illness can be caused by interference fields.
- Any part of the body can become an interference field.
- Every interference field disease can only be cured by eliminating the interference field.
Irritated nerve roots, for example in the area of the lumbar spine, are infiltrated with a local anaesthetic.
In FNT, points are defined on the front of the body that are ‘functionally’ connected to individual internal organs. If these organs are diseased, the associated points are painful to the touch and can be felt as nodules.
By injecting a local anaesthetic into these points, the transmission of pain signals from the diseased internal organs is interrupted. Repeated application initiates the healing process.
The local anaesthetic introduced into the interference field (= diseased tissue) repolarises and stabilises the irritation-damaged ‘cell boundary membrane potential’. Repeated injections would restore the normal potential at around 90 mV and ‘seal’ the cells. In fact, local anaesthetics block the sodium channels of the cell membrane and thus the depolarisation of the nerve cells. They thus prevent the transmission of pain and sensory stimuli.
Neural therapy was largely developed by the doctors Ferdinand and Walter Huneke. In 1925, Ferdinand Huneke injected a patient suffering from chronic migraines intravenously with procaine (local anaesthetic). The patient experienced sudden and long-lasting relief.
The therapeutic use of procaine was then intensively researched.
When injected under the skin into the ‘interference fields’ of an organ, a malfunction of this organ is improved.
Neural therapy is a traditional procedure from the field of complementary medicine. The vegetative nervous system (nervous system that controls many bodily functions without consciously influencing the brain) is influenced and controlled by injecting a local anaesthetic (local anaesthetic) into defined points on the body.
German Society for Acupuncture and Neural Therapy e. V.
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