according to Dr Klinghardt

A holistic approach to health*
Kinesiology according to Dr Dietrich Klinghardt is a holistic approach that focuses on the connection between body, mind and soul. This method integrates findings from biophysics, biochemistry and psychology in order to identify and treat the underlying causes of health complaints.
A central element of Klinghardt kinesiology is the muscle test. This test helps to recognise energetic blockages in the body, which often indicate underlying emotional or physical causes. By applying gentle pressure to certain muscles, it is possible to determine how the body reacts to various stressors. These stressors can be physical, such as food or environmental toxins, or emotional, such as unresolved trauma or stress.
A special feature of Klinghardt kinesiology is ‘psychokinesiology’. This technique aims to uncover and resolve unconscious emotional conflicts that often originated in childhood and can have a negative impact on health. These conflicts are processed and resolved through the targeted use of affirmations, visualisations and specific treatment techniques.
Another important concept is ‘regulation diagnostics’. This involves checking the state of the autonomic nervous system to determine how well the body is able to react to stress and regenerate itself. Impaired regulation can lead to a variety of health problems, from chronic fatigue to autoimmune diseases.
Dr Klinghardt’s kinesiology offers a comprehensive approach that not only treats symptoms, but also detects and treats the underlying causes. This leads to a lasting improvement in well-being and health. It is suitable for people of all ages and can be used for a wide range of conditions, from physical pain to emotional challenges.
On our practice website we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out more about this fascinating method and how it can help you on your path to better health and well-being. We cordially invite you to find out more about our services and to make an appointment for an individual consultation.