Complementary tumour therapy

Treatment content and options
with the aim of improving the tolerability and success of chemotherapy.
without which the long-term success of any treatment is questionable
- Microimmunotherapy
- Acupuncture
- Orthomolar therapy (vitamins, minerals, trace elements)
To slow down the degradation process of the organism that takes place with every stressful treatment. Cancer diets, vitamins, trace elements, food supplements, selenium.
Cancer diets are intended to have a favourable influence on the course of the disease through to recovery and protect against relapses of the disease. Ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets. Certain foods, food supplements and forms of preparation are recommended or discouraged (fasting, juice cures, raw food diets, vegetarian wholefood diets, etc.).
In complementary medicine, herbal preparations and preparations made from organ extracts are used. The main aim is to strengthen the immune system, alleviate the side effects of conventional therapy and improve quality of life.
For example, plant extracts can generally alleviate side effects of conventional tumour therapy such as diarrhoea, constipation, inflammation of the oral mucosa and dry mucous membranes. Before using herbal and organic extracts, cancer patients should always talk to their doctor about the interactions and side effects.
Read more about acupuncture here.
Read more about microimmunotherapy here.
Complementary medicine for tumour diseases
Complementary medicine refers to treatment methods that are used in addition to conventional medicine. Their aim is to alleviate the undesirable side effects of conventional medicine and conventional therapy, thereby making the therapy more tolerable and ultimately increasing the effectiveness of conventional therapy.
Complementary medicine promotes the desire not to be helplessly at the mercy of the situation, but to be able to actively participate in improving one’s own condition. Powerlessness is to be confronted with a degree of agency, so that no stone is left unturned to utilise every opportunity for healing. The success of conventional medical treatment should be supported by the healing methods and the body’s own immune defences strengthened.
Complementary therapy must be clearly distinguished from alternative therapy, as the latter rejects the classic concepts of conventional medicine and is often at odds with generally recognised physical and chemical laws.
Complementary medicine, on the other hand, is in harmony with the natural sciences.
Recognising and respecting the patient and their personality is an important core aspect of complementary oncology.
Our aim is to get through a difficult time together as well as possible!